“You are a columnist for the local newspaper in an old western town. Write a series of short articles depicting the common interesting happenings from first and secondhand experiences.”

Sandy Creek Gazetteer

Sheriff “Shady” Jim Lane Gallops Into Sandy Creek (Jan 7th, 1612)

A new sheriff made strides in Sandy Creek recently. “Shady” Jim Lane, 36, isn’t much for words, preferring to let his six-shooter do the talking. Some thugs were causing trouble in the Prospector’s Pub, but Shady was on the case. With just a few shots he disarmed the situation and roped in the troublemakers.

“I didn’t even see him come in,” said 42 year-old owner Susan Packer, “it was just bang bang and those five thugs dropped their revolvers. Thank the Lord we have a competent Sheriff now.” Other patrons were more skeptical. One 87 year-old who wished to remain anonymous claims “You know, he’s sold something to the devil for that trigger finger. It just ain’t possible for one man to storm in like that, it just ain’t. I’m telling you, there’s something unholy in that man.”

Devil or not, Sheriff Lane has caused quite a stir since his arrival in quiet Sandy Creek.

McCarthy Gang Makes Off With a Fortune! (March 20th, 1612)

Breaking News! The infamous McCarthy gang have derailed the Western Express and made off with hundreds of gold bars! I have it on good authority from that the gang sabotaged the tracks as the Express made its way over the Diamond River Bridge. Explosions went off from the dynamite and train carriages toppled into the river below. Somehow, the driver escaped with only minor injuries, but after giving some information to the law, it seems he’s made a run for it, too!

Sheriff Lane had the following to say: “I’ll round up those McCarthy’s and lock ‘em up within the week. That train driver thought he could talk the talk, but he won’t get five miles before he’ll realize he don’t got the walk like me. They think they can pull a fast one on Shady, but they should think again — I’m too fast.”

Fighting words from the Sheriff. Only time will tell if he’ll be able to “lock ‘em up”, but the rumor on the street is that they’re looking to bust open the Diamond City Bank next. Let’s hope for all of our sakes that someone gets them under control!

A Local Gold Rush (June 4th, 1612)

We’ve all seen the wagons heading out towards the Gold Coast, but did you know that we might be literally drinking gold? It’s true! Miners from the Roswell Company say that the water in Sandy Creek comes from the Diamond Mountains. That water carries out some precious metals and other things, or so I’m told. If you’re looking to earn some extra cash, make sure you grab a pan and get a spot soon!

Some townsfolk are worried about the implication though. “I don’t want this to become like those Dust Towns,” said one resident who wished to remain anonymous. “You know, these outsiders come in, suck the town dry like locusts, and then drive off to do the same in the next town.” The first out-of-town prospectors have already begun showing up, so perhaps this fear isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. The Roswell Company is keeping them in line so far, but who knows how long it’ll be before we just get too many for little Sandy Creek to handle?

Interested in writing for the Sandy Creek Gazetteer? We are hiring! Bring an original piece of writing to our office (next to the Prospector’s Pub) by July 4th at the latest. Compensation is negotiable.