What is it?

Boids is an artifical life program developed by Craig Reynolds in 1980 and has been used in lots of different games and applications to simulate flocking behavior. It is based on three principles: coherence (steering towards the center of mass of a flock), separation (avoid colliding with other boids in the flock), and alignment (steer towards the average heading of the other flockmates). These three simple principles lead to pseudorealistic flocking behavior that is easily simulated. This kind of behavior can be used to simulate, birds, fish, insects, or other kinds of herds.

This version

This is my take on it written in Rust using macroquad and egui. You can view the HTML file, get the compiled WASM binary get the compiled WASM binary, and check out the repository.


This demo runs best on desktops and gives a feel for the simulation along with a few parameters to tweak.