Season 1

This is an overview of the state of the game at each turn with snippets of the map wherever relevant. See geopolitics for an overview of the entire campaign map at the start of the campaign.

Turn 1 (18/02/2024)

Cyhluna Principality is rumoured to have begun discussions with the Emeraldbreak Empire and the Opal Theocracy. Could a new alliance spring from this? Their forest was recently attacked by the Verdim Kingdom and the word on the street is that they seek friends to help fight their enemies.

Grarkul Tribes has besieged the Blazing Scar in Vulcanstille! It seems they have brought the full might of their forces as well. Rumours are that the Ocril Khanate will join in soon. Vulcanstille is a formidable opponent, and they may have a few more tricks up their sleeve. The Tribes recently signed a treaty with Wyrmhall as well.

Opal Theocracy seems worried about the pirates on their doorstep. Their Liberators recently freed slaves from the Kingdom of Gondarahl. King Kharnik Starkrock of Gondarahl seems to be looking for allies to get his revenge on the Pope. The Theocracy also stares down enemies in Direwater, freshly fuelled by the Verdim Kingdom, and hungry for new merchant vessels.

Kingdom of Thaumabell has sent Spellknights to both Wyrmhall and the Grarkul Tribes, acting as an intermediary to see the Tribes’ people returned from slavery. With the attack on Vulcanstille, it is not clear if Thaumabell looks to take a side. There are rumours that some of their citizens have left for the Opal Theocracy of all places. Could this be an indictment of the arcane?

Verdim Kingdom has harvested parts of Cyhluna Principality’s sacred forest, much to their ire. Via Direwater, their weapons have even made it as far as the Silversheen Sea. Clearly this new demand is lucrative, and King Gralmond Frostbleed is no fool. Almost every nation has become wise to this new means of warfare. Verdim will have to choose its allies wisely, as those who oppose them will surely be quickly drawn by the appeal of new weaponry.

Wyrmhall is staring down pressure from all sides. It seems a treaty with Argenta went south and now both Argenta & Dracoloft are looking to limit Wyrmhall’s presence. The Marrain Confederacy was already at odds with them, and recent actions may prompt them further. The Ocril Khanate seems mistrusting, but the treaty Wyrmhall signed with the Grarkul Tribes has perhaps changed their choice of allies. Rumours are that Wyrmhall’s neighbours threaten to cut off their sea trade should it not comply.